Azure OpenAI – Build Your Internal Company ChatGPT!
Sectors: Non sector-specific
Processes: Service & Support, Sales, Marketing
Duration of webinar on demand: approx. 30 minutes
Chatbots from providers such as OpenAI (ChatGPT) and Google (Gemini) are already widespread and offer companies enormous advantages in daily operations and customer communication.
What if you could use the same technology for your company to optimize your workflows and customer communication? All of this is powered by your data in a secure environment accessible only to you. A quick return on investment (ROI) is guaranteed.
Azure OpenAI provides the optimal solution:
In our free webinar on demand „Azure OpenAI - Build Your Internal Company ChatGPT“, our experts Patryk Jenciak and Malte Krüger will show you how to quickly create a powerful chatbot with Azure OpenAI and your own data that meets the highest security standards.
Highlights of webinar on demand:
- Creation and Customization: Learn how to create your own chatbot with Azure OpenAI and perfectly tailor it to your needs.
- Data Security: Discover how Azure OpenAI ensures the highest data security and protection of your company data.
- Diverse Applications: Explore various use cases and applications for your customized chatbot.
- Preparation for Launch: Get valuable tips on what you should prepare before launching your chatbot.
Register now and watch this free webinar on demand.

Patryk Jenciak
Team Manager Sales, ORBIS AUSTRIA

Malte Krüger
Technical Consultant, ORBIS SE