SAP Commercial Planning - How to optimize your sales and marketing strategies
Sectors: Non sector-specific, Manufacturing industry, Construction supplier industry, Steel / Steel Service Center / Metal industry, Electro and electronic industry, Mechanical and plant engineering, Consumer goods / retail, Automotive supplier industry
Processes: Finance & Controlling, Analytics
Duration of webinar on demand: 38 minutes
Are you ready to revolutionize your sales and marketing strategies? Then take part in our webinar on demand on the new SAP Commercial Planning! Our experts will tell you all about the modern possibilities that the SAP Analytics Cloud offers for planning your marketing and sales.
What is the new SAP Commercial Planning all about?
In today's dynamic marketplace, data literacy is essential. Learn how SAP Commercial Planning empowers companies like yours to realize the full potential of data-driven insights. We'll look at how you can use SAP Commercial Planning to make informed decisions and increase your sales.
Learn how to
- accurately forecast demand,
- effectively plan targeted promotions,
- optimize your product portfolio and
- increase sales like never before.
In addition, we will present how SAP Commercial Planning can be integrated into your system landscape to ensure a holistic planning process!
Register now for the free webinar on demand and start your Commercial Planning in the SAP Analytics Cloud!

What is SAP Commercial Planning? (incl. system demo)

Interrelationships within and outside SAP Commercial Planning

Integration into your system landscape
Speaker & presenters

Carolin Evermann
Senior Business Process Consultant SAP CC Analytics, ORBIS SE

Sebastian Lellinger
Trainee Business Process Consulting SAP CC Analytics, ORBIS SE

Tobias Zinßmeister
Trainee Business Process Consulting SAP CC Analytics, ORBIS SE

Your contact for the webinar on demand
Viktoria Main (Inside Sales Business Analytics)
Tel.: +49 (0) 681 9924 606
E-Mail: Viktoria.Main(at)