IR news of ORBIS

The Annual General Meeting of the Saarbrücken-based software and business consulting company ORBIS SE (ISIN DE0005228779) was once again held virtually this year. The shareholders looked back on a profitable financial year 2023. …

Saarbrücken-based software and business consulting company ORBIS SE, which is listed in the General Standard, has published its consolidated annual report for 2023. …

ORBIS can look back on a good business performance in the first half of 2023. …

The Annual General Meeting of the Saarbrücken-based software and business consulting company ORBIS SE (ISIN DE0005228779) was held virtually again this year. The shareholders looked back on a good financial year 2022. …

The Saarbrücken-based software and business consulting company ORBIS SE, which is listed in the General Standard, has published its Group Annual Report 2022. …

„ORBIS SE ( „the Company“) or its legal predecessors have granted pension commitments to the longstanding members of the Executive Board, Mr Thomas Gard and Mr Stefan Mailänder, under the com-pany pension scheme since 1986. Under the company pension scheme, Mr Gard and Mr Mailänder are entitled to retirement benefits, disability benefits and, in the event of their death, survivors' pensions. To ensure future solvency, the company has taken out various reinsurance policies and pledged the respective claims from the reinsurance policies to Mr Gard and Mr Mailänder. …

ORBIS SE ("the Company") or its legal predecessors have granted pension commitments to the long-standing members of the Executive Board Mr. Thomas Gard and Mr. Stefan Mailänder since 1986 as part of the company pension plan. …

The Saarbrücken-based software and business consulting company ORBIS SE, which is listed in the General Standard, has published its consolidated half-year report for 2022. …

The Annual General Meeting of the Saarbrücken-based software and business consulting company ORBIS SE (ISIN DE0005228779) was held virtually again this year. The shareholders looked back on a good fiscal year 2021. …

ORBIS SE, the Saarbrücken-based software and business consulting company listed in the General Standard, has published its 2021 consolidated annual report.
In 2021, ORBIS can once again look back on a financial year when it enjoyed a significant increase in Group turnover and an improvement in earnings. The range of services that ORBIS offers was further strengthened with the establishment of the subsidiary ORBIS People GmbH and investments made in new products. …

The extraordinary general meeting of the Saarbrücken-based software and business consulting company ORBIS AG (ISIN DE0005228779) was held virtually. The only item on the agenda was the transformation plan dated September 23, 2021 concerning the conversion of ORBIS AG into a European Company (Societas Europaea, SE) together with the attached Articles of Association. …

ORBIS AG, the Saarbrücken-based software and business consulting company listed in the General Standard, generated a good result in the first half of 2021, which continued to be impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. …

The Annual General Meeting of the Saarbrücken-based software and business consulting company ORBIS AG (ISIN DE0005228779) was held virtually again this year. The shareholders looked back on a very good fiscal year 2020, despite the global economic crisis caused by the Corona pandemic. …

ORBIS also generated a very good result in 2020, a year marred by the coronavirus pandemic. Sales increased further, and the acquisition of Data One GmbH and investments in new products further strengthened ORBIS’s service portfolio. …

The Ordinary General Meeting of ORBIS AG (ISIN DE0005228779), the Saarbrücken-based software and business consulting company, was held as a virtual event for the first time ever this year. The shareholders looked back on a positive 2019 financial year on the whole. …

As in previous years, ORBIS AG, the Saarbrücken-based software and business consulting company listed in the General Standard, started the 2020 financial year with a positive order situation and good utilization of its consulting capacities. …

Corona pandemic currently does not allow a concrete forecast for the financial year 2020 …

The Hörmann Group, the innovative market leader for gates, doors, frames, operators and perimeter protection systems, is taking a stake of around 28% in the Saarbrücken-based IT consulting company ORBIS AG, pending on the approval of the antitrust authorities. …

As in previous years, ORBIS AG, the Saarbrücken-based software and business consulting company listed in the General Standard, started the 2019 financial year with a very positive order situation and very good utilization of its consulting capacities. …

ORBIS AG, the international software and business consulting company based in Saarbrücken, Germany, acquired a 51% majority stake in Dialog Gesellschaft für Projekt- und Prozessberatung mbH, based in Bielefeld, Germany, on July 3, 2019. Dialog GmbH is a consulting specialist for SAP processes in finance, controlling, production and logistics for automotive suppliers, companies from the chemicals and food industries, not to mention discrete manufacturing and retail. Another core competence is project management (planning, coordination, control) and project risk management. …

The software and business consulting company ORBIS AG, listed on the General Standard, has appointed Michael Jung and Frank Schmelzer as additional members of the Management Board with effect from October 1, 2018. …

The Annual General Meeting of the Saarbrücken-based software and business consulting company ORBIS AG (ISIN DE0005228779) was again held not far from the company's headquarters on the Saarterrassen in the E-Werk Saarbrücken. …

The Saarbrücken-based software and business consulting firm ORBIS AG recorded a group revenue growth of 9.4% to € 50,357 in the 2017 financial year (previous year: € 46,014). …

Consolidated sales up 7.6% to €24,928k, operating result (EBIT) improves by 13.7% to €1,232k …