Live Webinars

Disappointed by AI? Accompany expectation management to Copilot with change management measures

Location: Online
Products Microsoft: Copilot, AI Transformation
Sectors: Non sector-specific
Processes: Project Management, IT

Duration of webinar: approx. 45 minutes

Are your employees disappointed by the introduction of artificial intelligence in your organization?

  • ... because there is so much to discover and no one is taking them by the hand?
  • ... because AI doesn't solve all the problems?

Disappointment after much hype and anticipation can easily hit your team or organization - in two directions:

  • AI can do so much in some areas that it is difficult to discover everything in everyday working life and use it quickly on an all-encompassing basis
  • OR the AI can't do as much as your employees had hoped.

Either way, our expert Victoria Hemsing will talk to you about expectation management and change management around the introduction of artificial intelligence, such as the M365 Copilot.


Expectation management

Expectation management in two directions

Misunderstandings in the introduction of AI

Frequent misunderstandings

Change management

Change management best practices

Long-term expectation management

Feedback opportunities for long-term expectation management beyond the launch

So if you are deciding or have decided to introduce AI in your organization or your team, our webinar is just right for you! After the webinar, you will have a good overview of the pitfalls of introducing AI and the accompanying change management measures for expectation management.


Victoria Hemsing, Data One GmbH (Member of ORBIS Group)


Victoria Hemsing

Change consultant and psychologist

Register now for our free webinar!
Tel.: +49 681 9924-0